
16 November 2018


By Neel Anil Panicker

The roar from above seemed to cut through the stony bricks, and reach upto to their ears, splitting their benumbed senses with the rising cacophony.

Above them the bridge rattled as footsteps sped by, its owners’ rasping voices hurling the choicest of invectives.

Crouched in between a narrow ledge, their hands clasped in unison, eyes affixed to each others’, ears cocked to catch the slightest of decibels, Lata and her Muslim friend held their breaths as the air suddenly turned warm.

‘Looks like they’re going to burn down the bridge.’

“I couldn’t care less. We’ve already burnt all our bridges.’


29 thoughts on “neelwrites/waroverlove/FridayFictioneers/flash/fiction/shortstory/100words/storystarter/13/11/2018

  1. Such a powerful story in so little words


  2. A suitable and timely metaphor.


  3. Nicely told, Neel. Just one little edit you might like to make: ‘reach upto to their ears’ you have ‘upto to’, which is obviously an oversight! 🙂


  4. So powerful and so sad! Nicely done, Neel.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos


  5. Such a sense of desperation here. Well done.


  6. Dear Neel,

    Descriptive and powerful. I could hear the cacophony overhead.




  7. A well-written take that builds tension effectively. Nice word play too.


  8. I think yes… they have burned their bridges well… hope the road leads on and on.


  9. Brutal stuff, Neel, reminding us that hatred is all around us.
    Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, the world is turning increasingly one full to the brim with hatred. Thanks Ceayr


  10. Sad to see how they have lost hope in the chaos. Your use of language really puts us in the midst of the din and the people. I love the phrase “hurling the choicest of invectives”–great, biting sounds!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. if only we can learn to get along life won’t be that tough.


  12. Abhijit Ray

    True, they have burnt their bridges. They must leave as fast as they can.


  13. Awful situation to find themselves in. So terribly sad.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I hope their perspective improves. So sad to live like this.


  15. What humans do to each other? this reminds me of the period of partition in India.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. A sad tale, and frightening. They know what will happen if they ever get caught.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Heartbreaking. Wonderfully done.


  18. Oh dear where next I wonder, sad stuff


  19. Great use of the metaphor.


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