
A Home On Song

Photo prompt provided by Louise with The Storyteller’s Abode. Thank you Louise!

By Neel Anil Panicker

“That’s my girl.”

Mohan was ecstatic.

And why woudn’t he?

It was not everyday that one’s four-year-old gets to recite an entire poem at her school’s Annual Day.

He watched her roll her eyes and pout her lips to perfectly enunciate “To fetch a pail of water”.

Who she’s inherited all this from, he wondered.

Clutching his office bag, he made his way out.

It was then that he heard her, rather her voice, mellifluous and enchanting.

He followed it to the inner room.

There she was, standing beside the bed, her back towards him, her dimpled face peeping into the mirror, and those limpid blue eyes glittering like a million stars.

In a trance, he stood transfixed, watching her as she belted out a melodious romantic number, each syllabic sound and iambic meter cascading out of her long curvaceous neck; the sound, sweet and melodious reverberating all around the amber coloured room.

He tiptoed out.

It’s in the genes, he muttered.

©neelanilpanicker2017 #fiction #short story #161 words

FFfAW Challenge-Week of March 28, 2017

Written for FFfAW hosted by Priceless Joy


4 thoughts on “neelwrites/fiction/shortstory/FFfaW/161words/29/03/2017

  1. A good thing to pass on to the next generation. Nicely done Neel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, Kelly. Thanks for the read and your appreciation.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great story Neel! She inherited it from her mother! I love how you don’t say that it is her mother but how you just hint at it!


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